How to face the depression?

2019-03-31 14:55:25 松果小编
Depression is like a cold of mood and emotion and everyone may suffers it. But depression can be very dangerous for everyone who ignores it or just thinking he or she will overcome it without anything to do. Just time time will heal everything. That's a lie. That's wrong. Sometimes maybe because something happened sadly to you and you cannot accept it or Something from others that hurts you or shocks you, maybe some disasters or terrible things burst into your life. Sometimes because you can not really open yourself and so many bad things and terible things or darkness in your heart cannot be opened by others. But if you are in depression, this is a situation you need help, you help yourself, but also you need open yourself to others and others could help you either. So the person is not horrible but should be solved. And you could try to open. 关于抑郁,我们很多的时候都很容易忽略它,但其实抑郁就是我们的生活当中常常会出现的,有的时候是因为生理的因素,有的时候是因为外在的环境,有的时候是因为内心的变化,但是如果抑郁或者是消极或者是躁狂或者是这样的一种,不是很正常积极的状态,其实我们可以靠着一些方式去调整,但是如果我们任凭他的话,可能会就变得越来越严重。 我写了一些英文的解释和说明,但是我觉得中文的部分我也可以说一下,因为从这么多年面对这样的人群啊,我觉得这个平台,或许我能稍微帮助一点点人就可以了。 The price, maybe you could force yourself to go outside and do some exercise or see some beautiful things or talk with friends. But depression is very horrible. If you still keep yourself solitude or alone then turn to be lonely, lonely, lonely.
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